Bug Byte League

Bug Byte League


Hackathon Timeline

Registration starts

13 April 2024

11:15 PM IST

Registration ends

16 April 2024

11:59 PM IST

Hackathon starts

18 April 2024

12:00 PM IST

Hackathon ends

19 April 2024

10:00 AM IST

Results announced

19 April 2024

02:00 PM IST

Talks and other events

WhatsApp Group

Join The WhatsApp Group for the Hackathon by Tonight.

Link - https://chat.whatsapp.com/FzNf3N7UyVI3YgUkSosThZ

17 April 2024

12:30 PM IST

Inaugural Session

The Inaugural Session is mandatory to attend for all the participants as themes will be disclosed.
Platform : Google Meet
Google Meet link : https://meet.google.com/ecj-hirt-cvk
Meeting ID : +14053568036
Passcode : 892 570 632#

An attendance sheet will be shared prior to the inaugural session and all the team leaders MUST mark their attendance.
Participants have to submit their ppts on the drive before 12:30 p.m. otherwise access to the drive gets denied.
Naming convention for presentation is, "TeamName-BBL-PPT.pdf".
After 12:30 pm the the drive link will not be accessible and will be shifted to view-only access.
During presentation, the participant has to present their laptop/computer screen first and then open the drive folder to open the exact same presentation pdf that they have uploaded.
Each team has 3-4 minutes to present their idea. Slots will be provided beforehand by the ACE team.
The result for round 1 will shared by e-mail tentatively by 2:30 p.m. on 18th of April, and the selected teams will be eligible for round 2.
The selected team gets 21 hours for the implementation of their idea, from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m.

18 April 2024

08:45 AM IST